
Our Solutions

Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.

One-Stop Platform for all your Workforce Needs

Technosavys was launched with the intention of catering to the varying needs of employers when it comes to single, large volume or ongoing staffing requirements. Another aspect that we cover is to help job seekers explore infinite possibilities through career opportunities on our platform. We offer not only employment opportunities, but also exclusive training, essential job insights, employer connect channels, placement programs, and much more.

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    Talent Acquisition

    We help you with specialty staffing that will propel your business forward. Special skills availability is the pulse of many organizations that belong to niche industries. The current market is flooded with general talent, but finding talent with specialized skills is often hard. We fill that gap by connecting you to specialty professionals or agencies that have a high concentration of specialists. Specialty staffing often requires granular levels of sifting and talent evaluation. We help you connect to promising talent with our workforce management solution to fit your changing business needs. Our focus on flexible scheduling, process improvement, and employee development assures the best take on optimal workforce planning.

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    Executive Search

    Our team of experts helps demystify executive search in a dynamic business environment, which calls for visionary leadership and stellar business drive. We help you find leaders with a perfect balance of vertical expertise and the right line of experience. Our platform leverages our expert recruiters' networks to help make the right connections to potential leaders for your most senior mandates. Executive search times can be drastically reduced from months to days, thanks to our class-leading leadership hiring solutions. Our expertise lies in giving you a list of hand-picked visionary leaders to help your organization achieve unparalleled excellence. Technosavys leverages technology (AI and ML) to make a pool of talent readily available for your executive needs.

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    Force Enablement

    Want to manage productivity, business processes, and compliance adeptly? Leave it to our experts who offer a seasoned approach to recruit, train, deploy and manage the productivity of your sales force - all aligned to your business needs with strategies that empower your business in the future. Recruitment and Temporary Staffing

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    Career Training & Transition Services

    Our professional and completely tailored Career Transition Service aims to provide a comprehensive career hub to support employees at various levels in an organization to perform better or take up new roles. The program is customised to the needs of an individual and assisted by dedicated coaches who can offer technical training, career building opportunities and interview advice.

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    Recruitment Process Outsourcing

    With deep expertise and class-leading capabilities, we provide exceptional RPO services to give you improved business performance, reliability, and significant cost-savings. We function as an extension of your organization to give you efficiency and impetus to handle your hiring challenges by hiring contractual and temporary employees for open positions.

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    Permanent Recruitment

    Our deep domain expertise in managing human resources can help you find the right candidates for permanent placements. We help you map the candidates’ cultural preferences, attitudes, ambitions and a host of other factors to your immediate and long-term requirements.

Let's Start the conversation.

Every beautiful relationship starts with a simple hello. So let’s chat. It might just be the start of something memorable.

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